Turns out Bill is taking this week off for the Holidays. He came into the house this morning after mucking out and announced, “Spring Song stood at the stall door and wouldn’t let me in to clean her stall.” (right…)

A moment later I was preparing the breakfasts for the horses and the toaster started smoking. Bill had placed a very thin slice of raisin bread in the toaster. It burned. I opened the nearby window. Bill was sitting fifteen feet away and said, “I’ll take care of it.” (He remained in the chair…taking care of it mentally.)

Moments later the smoke alarm went off. We’re babysitting two vizslas and a total of four of the red-heads were in the kitchen with us. Check (age 14) was lounging on the couch. The four were dancing. The irritating sound from the smoke detector was annoying them.

Bill said, “There was very little smoke. That was a good test of the alarm.”

I left the building. It’s not even 9:00 in the morning of his first day off work for the Christmas Holidays…

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