Allen Pogue (<>) will be at Winsong Farm from April 18 (Sunday) till Wednesday the 21st.

Sunday afternoon he arrives from Texas and has an hour or two to meet the horses. They include: Lusitanos, an Appaloosa, an Andalusian, Thoroughbreds, Clydesdale/Quarter Horse, Paint, Canadian, Lusitano/Thoroughbred. The horses range in age from two to twenty.

Sunday from 5:00 to 7:00 Allen will conduct an introduction to Trick Training and Liberty Work. You are most welcome to join us. There’s a $10 fee. If you are interested in attending, please contact me so we can make arrangements for seating in the arena. Please come dressed for the weather. Parking is along the north side of the 15th Sideroad.

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Allen will work with the horses in the morning, afternoon and occasionally in the evening. Let me know if you’d like to watch and I’ll email you the specific schedule when I have it.

The fee per day is $20 with the option to pay a total of $50 for the entire April 18-21st clinic.

It is an understatement to say that we are THRILLED to have Allen at Winsong Farm!

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