Zelador performed in the round pen with about 15 people watching:

1. Rolled out the carpet
2. Fetched Mickey Mouse
3. Picked the “Dr. Trout” card when asked (the “Winnie” card was also available)
4. Blew bubbles
5. Did a lousy job with the mail (probably because the mail box was on a very low pedestal)
6. Spanish Walk
7. Piaffe
8. Bow (It was gorgeous. He had the plane of his head totally on the ground.)
9. Easy button
10. Where’s your Tail?
11. Show me your tongue
12. Big Smile
13. Rotating top pedestal
14. Up on the pedestal and waited patiently
15. Catch the towel
16. Hit the ball (with the badminton racket)
17. Come to me
18. Sat on the bean bag
19. Sit from the lie down
20. Carried the mail pouch
21. Find the carrot under the cone. (He hasn’t done this in years!)

Ron, Bill and I took photos of Zelador’s melanomas this evening. As soon as Bill gets them into the computer I’ll start measuring them. I did measure the BIG one during the photo shoot. Last Monday it was 2cm. Today it is 1.5cm.

Bill said that all of them look smaller.

P.S. Bill put the photos into the computer and all of the bumps are more distinct because they’ve shrunk.

The first two times we were at Guelph for the vaccine Dr. Trout had two or three people with him. It was really neat to see all the people show up to watch Zelador! Dr. Trout also explained the procedure and everyone watched Zelador receive the vaccine. Zelador had his biggest reaction and actually moved some muscles, but stood in the same spot.

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