FEI Presidential candidate Henk Rottinghuis today said that he was pleased and very encouraged at the response to his ‘100-day Listening Programme Survey’.


Says Mr. Rottinghuis: “This was a new way of communicating and I always had a very open mind about it. I wanted to test opinion and see if FEI National Federations and Associate Members would respond and let me have their views.


“They have done just that and so I am very encouraged by this exercise, which adds to the other views that I have already gained by talking with those across our sport. I hope, whatever happens in the election, that this could be one of a number of ways of encouraging a more open and continuous two-way dialogue with the National Federations and Associate Members of the FEI.”


The Survey, which was independently conducted by Tree London – a professional research company – was sent to all FEI National Federations and Associate Members. 


Tree London Managing Director, Steve Mattey, says: “For this type of survey, the response rate was very good and the feedback seems to show there is an appetite for this type of approach and for further dialogue. “We received responses for all nine of the Groups federations, so were able to get representative results and sufficient volumes to give the findings weight and significance.”


The headline findings of the Survey, which covered five key areas, revealed:

• Sport: strategy and decision making is seen as leaning towards the interests of the FEI and does not recognise regional differences

• Development: the FEI is seen to have reduced the gap between National Federations, but developing nations don’t feel the FEI understands their needs or recognise their position when issuing regulations 

• Welfare: is recognised by most National Federations as important and FEI policies have improved the understanding of doping and medication, and also removed some of the ambiguities in this area

• Organisation: Continental Federations are a positive step forward and National Federations feel the present FEI structure is not suitable for meeting future demands

• General: while the FEI is seen to be leading the way in promoting the sport globally, it still needs to align itself with the priorities and focus of its National Federations

• Associate Members: Associate Members are critical of the FEI’s sharing of strategy and decision making; its transparency around performance monitoring of the FEI; its services / commercial activities and its judicial process


Mr. Rottinghuis added: “This survey, the results of which are available on www.henkforfei.org, gives me an excellent insight into what the FEI National Federations and Associate Members are thinking and where their concerns lie.


“I will be studying the findings over the coming weeks and have requests from a number of National Federations to have follow-on meetings to discuss the findings in more detail, which I am looking forward to.


“This research, together with the individual meetings that continue as part of my 100-day Listening Programme, really are helping me to shape views that can make a real difference in our sport. Whilst my research is still on-going – and I would be delighted to hear further ideas either direct or via my website – they will be recognised in my Presidential campaign programme, which I will unveil next month.”
